集会案内 Gathering Information

■日曜礼拝 Sunday Worship Service

  • 日程: 毎週日曜日
  • 時間: 午前10時〜12時
  • 場所: 柏グローリーチャペル 柏市十余二276-301
  • 参加費: 無料(献金は任意です)


~礼拝のだいたいの流れ~ (時間は目安で変動します)
10:30 – 開会の祈り  礼拝は全員での祈りから始まります。心を静かにして、祈りの時間を持ちましょう。

10:35 – 55 賛美と礼拝  みんなで一緒にゴスペルやワーシップソングを歌い、神への感謝の気持ちを表します。途中あいさつタイムがあります。
11:00 – 11:45 メッセージ 聖書の教えを基にしたメッセージに耳を傾けましょう(30分~40分)
11:45 – 11:55 献金と賛美
11:55       祝祷、お知らせ はじめての方を紹介します。

12:15~    昼食 1Fにて昼食を用意しています(300円)

  • 服装: 特に決まった服装はありません。カジュアルな服装でお越しください。
  • 持ち物: 聖書をお持ちの方はご持参ください。お持ちでない場合でも、当教会で貸し出しを行っております。(使用している聖書は、新改訳聖書(2017版)です)
  • 献金について礼拝の一環として、献金の時間を設けております。献金は強制ではなく任意です。いただいた献金は、教会の運営、地域社会への支援活動、慈善事業などに使用されます。ご協力いただける方は、感謝の気持ちを込めて捧げていただければ幸いです。
  • 聖餐式



  • メールアドレス: [office★glorychapel.com (★を半角の@に変えてください)]

Every Sunday, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM (Admission is free. Voluntary donations are accepted.)

Our Sunday worship service, held every Sunday, adopts a contemporary style rather than a traditional one, creating a slightly casual atmosphere. Instead of hymns, contemporary worship songs are led by piano or guitar. Everyone is welcome to join us.

~ Outline of the Service ~ (Times are approximate and subject to change) 10:30 AM Time of silence and prayer 10:35–11:00 AM Praise and greeting time (15–20 minutes) 11:00–11:40 AM Message (30–40 minutes) 11:40 AM– Offering and praise 11:50 AM Benediction, announcements, etc.

12:15 PM– Lunch is provided on the 1st floor (300 yen)

  • Donations are optional.
  • Holy Communion is administered during the service on the first Sunday of every month. Those who have not been baptized and wish to receive it are prayed for.
  • The Bible used is the New Interconfessional Translation (2017 version). (Bibles are available for loan, so feel free to come empty-handed.)
  • The lyrics of hymns and worship songs sung during the service are displayed on the screen, so no preparation is necessary.
  • Non-Christians and newcomers are welcome.
  • There is no specific dress code; casual attire is acceptable.
  • If you’re feeling anxious as a first-time visitor, please inform our receptionist.
  • Please enter the chapel from the courtyard side as the entrance from the wood deck side is used only during events.

On Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, and other special occasions, we conduct special programs such as dances and choir performances.

■カルチャーセンター Culture Center

ゴスペル教室を始め、フラダンスレッスン(現在休止中)、 不定期にてフラワーアレンジメント教室なども行っております。どなたでもご参加いただけます。


Kashiwa Glory Chapel offers various lessons and classes at our Culture Center. We offer gospel classes, hula dance lessons (currently on hold), and occasional flower arrangement classes. Everyone is welcome to join us. During weekdays, our childcare facility offers gymnastics, English, piano, calligraphy classes, and more.

■コンサート Concert


We host various chapel concerts of different genres, including classical, jazz, and gospel, attracting many participants from the community. Currently, our concerts are held irregularly, so please check our website for upcoming schedules.

■カフェライブ Cafe Grace
Cafe Grace hosts casual live performances in the café space on the 1st floor, held periodically. Enjoy relaxing with coffee and homemade sweets while enjoying the live music.

■カフェスペースのご案内  Cafe Area


The 1st-floor café space serves as a multipurpose area for various events. In addition to café-style concerts, we’ve hosted photo exhibitions, art displays, flower arrangement workshops, lectures, study groups, and choir practice sessions, serving as a hub for community interaction. It’s also used for photography studios, recordings, and TV show recordings.

■クリスマス Christmas


Christmas is the most well-known event in Christianity, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Kashiwa Glory Chapel is adorned with authentic Christmas trees and decorations imported from Europe, providing an experience of overseas Christmas festivities. Please join us for Christmas concerts and services during the Christmas season.