柏グローリーチャペルは 日本ルーテル同胞教団に属するプロテスタントのキリスト教会で、ファミリー層が集うアットホームな教会です。(敷地内には柏市指定保育ルームチャイルドホームを併設しております。)子供からご年配の方まで幅広い年代層が礼拝に集っています。1985年に柏ライフタウンチャペルとして柏市松葉町でスタートし、2001年に現在の場所(柏市十余二)に移転しました。場所は柏市内の中心部のショッピングエリアにあり、柏駅もしくは柏の葉キャンパス駅両方へのアクセスができます。お近くにお越しの際は、気軽にお立ち寄りください。教会は初めてという方も歓迎いたします。また、近隣に引っ越してきて教会を探している方、海外から帰国されて教会を探している方、キリスト教学校に通う若い学生も歓迎します。どうぞお気軽にお越しください。
牧師 佐々木正幸
著書 「祝福は二人から」
趣味 クラシック音楽鑑賞、将棋
特技 指笛
Pastor Masayuki Sasaki
Originally from Daisen City, Akita Prefecture, Pastor Masayuki Sasaki grew up near a Buddhist temple. However, he was drawn to Christian hymns he happened to hear on the radio and eventually started attending church. He became a Christian during his second year of high school and decided to become a pastor. After nine years of ministry in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, he moved overseas with his family. Upon returning to Japan, he started a church in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture. He graduated from Keio University’s Faculty of Letters and All Nations Christian College in the UK.
Published Work: “Blessings Come in Pairs”
Hobbies: Appreciating classical music, playing shogi (Japanese chess)
Special Skill: Whistling with his fingers
Kashiwa Glory Chapel is a Protestant Christian church affiliated with the Japan Lutheran Brethren Congregation, offering a warm and welcoming atmosphere for families. (We also have a designated childcare facility, Child Home, on-site approved by Kashiwa City.) Our congregation spans various age groups, from children to seniors, who come together for worship. We began as Kashiwa Life Town Chapel in Matsuba-cho, Kashiwa City, in 1985 and relocated to our current location in Toyofuta, Kashiwa City, in 2001. Situated in the heart of Kashiwa’s shopping district, we are easily accessible from both Kashiwa Station and Kashiwa-no-ha Campus Station. Feel free to drop by whenever you’re nearby. We welcome first-time visitors as well as those who are new to the area and seeking a church, returning from overseas and in search of a church, or young students attending Christian schools. Please don’t hesitate to visit us.
For our international visitors:
Welcome to Kashiwa Glory Chapel. Kashiwa Glory Chapel is a church affiliated with the Japan Lutheran Brethren Congregation.We warmly welcome foreigners whose native language is English or any other language. While we do not provide interpretation for Japanese services, we have members who can speak English. If you are seeking to improve your Japanese language skills or looking for a church rooted in the local community of Japan, please feel free to visit us.We are happy to assist those who are looking to make friends or have recently started living in Japan.